2019年1月28日 星期一


  • 解决問題:當客戶詢問您問題時,請仔細傾聽所說的內容。如有必要,在客戶發言結束後提出澄清問題,以獲得更多細節,幫助您解决客戶的問題。當客戶說話時,不要打斷她。
  • 瞭解企業的產品和/或服務:確保您和您的員工完全瞭解您的產品和服務。確保所有員工都知道“展示知識”和“炫耀”的區別。顧客不會來聽關於特定產品或服務的講座。為了良好的客戶服務,告訴客戶他們想知道什麼,而不是你所知道的一切。
  • 展示相關產品和/或服務的知識:客戶通常比較產品和/或服務因此此您和員工也需要能够做到這一點。畢竟,你可以為他們節省一次去另一家商店的功夫。您還需要瞭解與您的產品相關的任何附件或零件,這樣您就可以告訴客戶,如果您沒有提供它們,他們可以從哪裡獲得它們。
  • 能够提供相關建議:客戶通常會有一些問題,這些問題不是直接與您的產品或服務有關,而是與它們相關的。例如,對硬木地板感興趣的客戶可能想知道清潔硬木地板的最佳方法是什麼。您給出(或無法給出)的答案可能會對購買決策以及客戶對您的客戶服務的感覺產生很大影響。







How to Help Customers and Improve Service
What does it mean to help customers? The most common customer service scenario is to help clients seeking help, so it is very important to interact correctly. If handled properly, clients seeking help will not only feel well treated, but will also be more inclined to buy products and/or services from your business.
Provide timely customer service
The first way to make your client feel valuable is to confirm her or him as soon as possible. So when someone enters your store or office, you need to stop doing anything else and start caring for your customers.
Greeting customers in a friendly and appropriate manner
Make eye contact, smile and say "Hello". What can I do for you today? Stay for a moment and let the customer respond.
Be helpful, but don't be aggressive
Doing Points 1 and 2 correctly usually shows an eagerness to help customers. Remember, first impression is the key to helping customers.
Customers who respond to initial questions, such as "I just want to look around", should be greeted after an acceptable period of time (depending on the type of business, floor layout, etc.) and asked if they had any questions or found what they were looking for.
Direct handling of customer requests/solving customer problems
  • Problem solving: When a customer asks you a question, listen carefully to what is said. If necessary, clarify the questions after the customer's speech to get more details and help you solve the customer's problems. Don't interrupt a client when she is talking.
  • Understanding the products and/or services of the enterprise: Make sure that you and your employees are fully aware of your products and services. Make sure that all employees know the difference between "showing off knowledge" and "showing off". Customers will not attend lectures on specific products or services. For good customer service, tell customers what they want to know, not everything you know.
  • Show knowledge about products and/or services: Customers usually compare products and/or services, so you and your employees need to be able to do the same. After all, you can save them the time to go to another store once. You also need to know any accessories or parts related to your product so that you can tell customers where they can get them if you don't provide them.
  • Provide relevant advice: Customers usually have some problems, these problems are not directly related to your products or services, but related to them. For example, customers interested in hardwood flooring may want to know what is the best way to clean hardwood flooring. The answers you give (or fail to give) may have a significant impact on the purchase decision and the customer's perception of your customer service.
Openness, courtesy and respect
Treat all guests with professionalism and courtesy. Remember, how you want to be treated.
Appropriately End Customer Service Interaction
You should help your customers by actively recommending the next step. If she is ready to make a purchase at this time, lead the customer to the checkout office where you or others will check in with them.
If the customer is not ready to buy at this time, the next step you suggest may be to further invite the customer to participate in the goods or services, such as, "What else can I help you?" "Do you want a brochure?"
Secrets of Customer Service
Providing good customer service is very basic. The most secret part is always to provide good customer service for all your customers. I hope the above tips can help you and your employees to accomplish this task. If you can consistently provide customer service and bring back customers, you will not only build customer loyalty, but also get positive word-of-mouth advertising and increase sales.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...