1. 做一個好的傾聽者
2. 確定並預測客戶需求
3. 讓顧客感到重要和被感激
4. 肢體語言是關鍵
5. 理解是至關重要的
6. 欣賞“Yes”的力量
7. 知道如何道歉
8. 超出客戶預期
- 你能給那些在別處買不到的顧客什麼?
- 你能做些什麼來跟進和感謝那些不買東西的人?
- 你能給顧客什麼完全出乎意料?
9. 定期得到回饋
- 仔細聽他們說什麼。
- 定期回來看看情况如何。
- 提供一種引起建設性責備、評論和建議的方法。
10. 善待員工
Ten Commandments for Good Customer Service
Customer service is an integral part of our work and should not be regarded as a peripheral part of the company. The company's most important asset is its customers. Without them, we would not and could not exist in business. When you satisfy your customers, they will not only help you grow by continuing to do business with you, but also recommend you to friends and colleagues.
Ten Commandments of Customer Service
Know who the boss is. You do business to satisfy customers' needs. Only when you know what customers want can you do so. When you really listen to customers, they will tell you what they want and how you can provide them with quality service. Never forget that customers pay your salary and make your job possible.
1. Be a good listener
Take time to understand the real needs of customers by asking questions and concentrating on them. Listen to their words, intonation, body language, and most importantly, listen to their feelings. Be careful with assumptions - think you intuitively know what customers want. Do you know what three things are most important to your customers? Effective listening and concentration are particularly important in a store showroom, where people are likely to concentrate on looking around to see who else we can sell.
2. Identify and predict customer needs
Customers do not buy products or services. They buy good feelings and solutions. Most customer needs are perceptual rather than logical. The more you know your customers, the better you can predict their needs. Communicate regularly so that you can understand problems or upcoming needs.
3. Make customers feel important and grateful
Treat them as individuals. Always praise them with their names and methods, but be sincere. People value sincerity. It produces good feelings and trust. Think about ways to make a good impression when doing business with you. Customers are very sensitive and know if you really care about them. Thank them every time you have a chance.
4. Body language is the key
Make sure your body language conveys sincerity in the store and Exhibition hall. Your words and deeds should be consistent.
5. Understanding is crucial
Help customers understand your system. Your organization may have the best systems in the world to do its job, but if customers don't understand these systems, they may feel confused, impatient and angry. Take time to explain how your systems work and how they simplify transactions. Note that your system does not reduce human factors in the organization.
6. Appreciate the power of “Yes”
Always look for ways to help customers. When they ask for it (as long as it's reasonable), tell them you can do it. Find out what to do in the future. Find ways to make it easier to do business with you. Always do what you say.
7. Know how to apologize
If something goes wrong, apologize. It's easy, and customers like it. Customers may not always be right, but they must always win. Deal with the problem immediately and let the customer know what you have done. Make it easier for customers to complain. Pay attention to their complaints. Although we don't like it, it gives us an opportunity to improve. Even if customers are in a bad mood, try to make them feel comfortable.
8. Beyond Customer Expectations
Because the future of all companies is to satisfy customers, we should try to make ourselves stand out in the competition. Consider the following questions:
- What can you give to customers who can't be bought elsewhere?
- What can you do to follow up and thank those who don't buy?
- What surprises can you give your customers?
9. Get regular feedback
Recommendations on how to improve are encouraged and welcomed. There are several ways to let you know what customers think and feel about your service.
- Listen carefully to what they say.
- Come back regularly to see what's going on.
- Provide a way to generate constructive blame, comments and suggestions.
10. Be kind to employees
Employees are your internal customers and need to be thanked regularly. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Respect employees, and they will probably respect customers more. Appreciation comes from the top. It is equally important to treat customers and employees well.