2019年1月23日 星期三


如果客戶提出要求獲得特殊待遇,你要盡可能回應說:Yes。或是讓他感覺到,他是VIP, 你很感謝有一個服務機會。
事實上,許多時候,客戶要的只是一個要被尊重的感覺。回應一個禮貌的回應, 關注他實際的需要,提供合適的解決作法。即使沒有立即滿足她的需要,她通常會成為回頭客,繼續向你購買,甚至就指定要由你,而非其他人,來提供給她的服務。
Effective customer service
The Way to Get Customers Back
When considering customer service, remember that the customer is actually all about it. Rule 1: Treat customers as individuals. Once we think about it, we realize that our business is our customers, not our products or services. If we focus all our attention on the goods in our store, or the services our company provides, we will miss the most important part: every customer.
Remember these individual customers, here are some simple customer service tips to get them back!
Keep in mind that the quality of customer service must never exceed that of the person who provides it.
Do you think you can get good customer service by paying the lowest salary, offering the least benefits and doing the least training for your employees? The company does not help customers. But other companies do.
Recognize that your employees will treat your customers as you treat them.
Employees get tips from management. You greet employees warmly every day; are you polite when dealing with them; do you try to meet their requirements; do you listen to them when they speak?
Do you know who your customers are?
If an old customer came to your company, would you recognize them?
Can you call them by name? We all like to feel important about ourselves; calling someone's name is a simple way to let them know that you value them. Do you need any help? Learn how to remember names.)
For good customer service, take one more step
Let your customers include a thank-you note in their package; send a birthday card; clip articles when you see their names or photos printed; and write a congratulations letter when they get a promotion.
You can keep in touch with your customers in a variety of ways to bring them closer to you.
Are customers welcomed when they enter the door, or at least within 30-40 seconds?
Ironically, a discount businessman known for price rather than service teaches the retail community the importance of meeting customers at the door.
Benefiting customers from suspicion
You don't have to prove to the customer why he's wrong, and you're right. You don't deserve to lose a client.
You will never win an argument with a customer, and you should never put the customer in that position.
If a client asks for special treatment, you should respond as much as possible by saying Yes. Or let him feel that he is VIP, you are grateful for having a service opportunity.
In fact, many times, customers just want a sense of respect. Respond to a polite response, pay attention to her actual needs, and provide appropriate solutions. Even if she does not meet her needs immediately, she will usually become a repeat customer, continue to buy from you, or even designate you, not others, to provide her services.
This may be an exception to your customer service policy, but (if not illegal) try to do so. Remember, you're making an exception for a customer, not creating a new policy.
Have your customer service personnel received appropriate training in handling customer complaints? Or how to deal with angry customers?
Provide them with guidance on what to say and do in every possible case. Frontline people play a key role in customer experience. Make sure they know what to do and say to make the customer experience a positive and pleasant experience.
Want to know what your customers think of your company? Ask them!
Write a "How are you?" The card is placed at the exit or entry counter or included in the next statement. Concise and concise. Ask them what they like; what they don't like; what they will change; what you can do better; and about their latest experience there.
Remember, you can make a lot of money not because you win new customers, but because you keep old customers. Every customer's perception of the company will determine how well you do, and that perception will depend on the level of customer service you provide.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...