2018年8月25日 星期六


When Presenting, Speak Slowly and Use Simple Words
You might have a great idea or exciting results to share, but if you don’t deliver your message with confidence, it will fall flat. To look confident when you’re speaking to an audience, pace your talking speed. Speak a little slower than you think you need to.
Pay particular attention to speed if your presentation isn’t live (maybe you’re talking on the phone or in a webinar), since the audience can’t watch your mouth and facial expressions. And no matter the format, use simple words.
Long, convoluted sentences and jargon don’t make you sound smart. You gain credibility and respect by articulating complex ideas in simple language. To remember to go slow and speak plainly, make yourself rehearse under stress.
Practicing the presentation in front of people, even if it’s in your office or your living room, will keep you from cracking under pressure when delivering the real deal. 




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