2018年7月19日 星期四


  • 你的目標受眾是誰?
  • 你的目標受眾在哪裡
  • 他們對你現時的品牌有什麼看法?
  • 你希望他們如何看待你的品牌?
  • 你將如何吸引他們到你的產品或服務?
  • 還有誰在為他們的忠誠和奉獻而競爭?
  • 你是針對企業還是消費行業?
  • 你的人口年齡是多少?是小孩、青少年、成人嗎?。你不想把產品推銷給一個最適合成人的孩子。
  • 你的聽眾的性別是什麼?是男的還是女的?你不能很好地銷售女性產品給男性。
  • 潛在客戶的收入水准是多少?你想向他們推銷奢侈品嗎?你需要確定你的顧客能買得起,買不起,這樣你才能更好地向那個人口市場銷售。
  • 家庭情况如何?他們是已婚的,喪偶的,離婚的,大學畢業生嗎?你的產品或服務是奢侈品還是需要?
  • 這是他們願意存錢還是他們必須在這個特定時間購買的東西?
  • 哪一個,如果有的話,特別的功能最吸引人?
  • 他們對產品或服務一般喜歡還是不喜歡?
  • 這是衝動購買還是他們正在儲蓄的東西?

How do you align your business value proposition with your target market?
Your business value proposition must be relevant to your target market. This means that you have to be clear and clear about your target market. A business must refocus and reexamine its goals, especially when there is no clear definition at the beginning of the business.
In the process, it is important to find the right balance. When you define your target market, your audience will realize that you are talking to them.
This often requires enterprises to narrow down the target market and make information more powerful, powerful and clear.
Why is the target market important in brand building?
No matter what your brand mission is, identifying and acquiring loyalty from your target audience is a necessary means to achieve your brand goals.
If you can identify your target customers, the strength of your brand depends on your ability to focus and produce a marketing message that translates prospects into customers.
That's why defining your target market will help enhance the overall effectiveness of your brand.
The following instructions will help you complete the two steps.
Informal Market Analysis
The following questions will help you evaluate your market analysis. Make your learning as complete as possible. Use the Internet for research. You can also read news stories about target markets. This will help you narrow your goals through interest, demography and common trends.
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Where is your target audience?
  • What do they think of your current brand?
  • What do you want them to think about your brand?
  • How will you attract them to your products or services?
  • Who else is competing for their loyalty and dedication?
  • Are you targeting businesses or consumer industries?
Write a description of the target market
Write a description of the target market using the following questions. Be as specific as you think. The more specific the better.
  • How old is your population? Are they children, adolescents and adults? You don't want to sell the product to a child who is most suitable for adults.
  • What is the gender of your audience? Is it a man or a woman? You can't sell women's products to men very well.
  • What is the income level of potential customers? Do you want to sell them luxury goods? You need to make sure that your customers can afford it, so that you can better sell to that population market.
  • How is the family situation? Are they married, widowed, divorced, College graduates? Is your product or service a luxury or a need?
  • Is this what they are willing to save or what they have to buy at this particular time?
  • Which, if any, is the most attractive feature?
  • Do they generally like or dislike products or services?
  • Is it impulse buying or is it something they are saving?
Once you answer these questions, you can draft a statement about the type of goals you want to pursue and the relationships you want to establish with your customers and customers.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...