2018年5月14日 星期一


  1. 專注但是要放鬆。會放鬆自己是能夠對外表現的基礎。每當你感到有壓力,或是感到要失去專注了,深呼吸幾口,讓自己恢復平靜,以便可以再出發。
  2. 取得關注。要改變你的行為,你必須知道人們如何吸收到你的信息,如何看待你的言語、姿態。你可以看看人們是如何對你產生反應,或是請你所信任的人給你回饋。
  3. 請人協助你練習。你可以請你的同事或你的導師來督導你的練習,改進你的演說技巧與增強你的信心。
Practice speaking like a boss
The employer's ability to speak openly is not innate. It's a behavioral ability that has been tempered over time. Whether you are a natural stereotype or a social butterfly, you can practice the following practices:
  1. Focus but relax. Relaxation is the basis for external performance. Whenever you feel stressed or lose focus, take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down so that you can start again.
  2. Get attention. To change your behavior, you have to know how people absorb your information and how they view your words and gestures. You can see how people react to you or ask someone you trust to give you feedback.
  3. Ask someone to help you practice. You can ask your colleagues or your mentors to supervise your practice, improve your speaking skills and boost your confidence.




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