2018年5月1日 星期二


  1. 以收件閱讀者的角度撰寫文件,而不是從作者的角度來寫作。
  2. 考慮你要發給誰看,他是否對你的主題有相關興趣或是具有充分的背景瞭解。
  3. 具體表達你要訴求的重點,希望收件者獲得什麼關鍵資訊,或是希望他採取什麼行動。
  4. 重視你文件的標題,讓收件者能夠從一句話就抓住你要表達的要義。
  5. 一份文件內容,只闡述圍繞主題的展開說明;一份文件,只發展一個主題,不要牽扯其他主題,若有其他主題需要表達,另外建立一份文件。
Write a document, starting with a moving title
Whether it's internal reports, letters to customers, or blogs, writing a moving title is the first step in writing any document. The following points should be noted:
  1. Write documents from the recipient's point of view, not from the author's point of view.
  2. Consider who you want to send it to, whether he is interested in your topic or has a good background.
  3. Express the focus of your request, what key information you want the recipient to get, or what actions he wants to take.
  4. Pay attention to the title of your document, so that the recipient can grasp the meaning you want to express from a sentence.
  5. The content of a document only elaborates the explanations around the theme; a document only develops one theme, not involving other themes, and if there are other themes to express, another document should be established.




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