- 說故事。客戶會立即進入你的故事狀態。如果你的故事情境與客戶曾經有過的經歷相關,他會想起曾經有過的類似痛苦而想要避免再發生,或是記憶起曾經有過的快樂而想要再次擁有或是能夠再強化。
- 讓你的客戶進入想像狀態。想像,是一個很有力的工具。請你的客戶自行告訴你幾種會讓他感到痛苦或是快樂的情境。你開始與他對話,引導他談論過去的經驗,或是建立起幾個假設的情境。當客戶觸動了情緒,他的頭腦會開始分不清什麼是事實,什麼是虛幻。
- 解決客戶的問題,而非銷售你的產品。在客戶面前,不要盡說你的產品的功能,而要說它可以為客戶解決什麼問題。記住,你的客戶希望能夠儘快擺脫痛苦,或是儘快實現快樂。他要一個能夠確保實現願望的解決方案。
- 最後一點,當你成功的觸發了客戶的情緒,不要太快進行其他行動,讓你的客戶先沉醉在他的情緒中。注意,是情緒因素激發客戶的採購行動!你的後續作為,必須能夠讓客戶繼續維持在他的情緒狀態中。
Most business operators already know that customers buy your goods or services largely because you touch their emotions, whether it is joyful or painful.
No matter how good your product or service is, if you can't touch the customer's mood, he won't take buying action. If you want him to decide to buy your goods or services, you must lead him into an emotional state.
If you can trigger a client's feelings of joy or pain, you can draw his real attention and encourage him to take action, whether to help him get rid of pain or to strengthen his feelings of joy.
There are several effective ways to touch customers' emotions:
- Story telling. Customers will immediately enter your story state. If the context of your story is related to the customer's past experience, he will recall the similar pain he had and want to avoid recurrence, or remember the joy he had and want to own it again or be able to reinforce it.
- Get your customers into imagination. Imagination is a powerful tool. Ask your client to tell you a few situations that will make him feel painful or happy. You start talking to him, leading him to talk about past experiences, or building up a few hypothetical situations. When a customer touches his emotions, his mind begins to confuse what is true and what is illusory.
- Solve customer problems, not sell your products. In front of customers, don't talk about the function of your product, but what problems it can solve for customers. Remember, your customers want to get rid of pain as soon as possible, or be happy as soon as possible. He wants a solution that ensures that his wishes are fulfilled.
- Finally, when you successfully trigger the customer's emotions, don't take other actions too quickly, and let your customer indulge in his emotions first. Attention, it is emotional factors that motivate customers' purchasing actions! Your follow-up actions must be able to keep the customer in his emotional state.