若是你的客戶因而開始沉默,沒有回應你的電話,好像無視于你的存在。記住,你是他們偏好的供應商,如果他們更換其他的供應商,將會付出很大的代價。他們的沉默是一個有力的談判策略;不要因此而讓你屈服,為了取得訂單而給出了折扣。Don't let your important clients force you to give a discount
When your customers know that you can't afford to lose them, they start to press and give you a discount. But don't give a discount under pressure.
You should adjust the tone of the conversation to the value you can create for the customer. You can ask them, what product features or services you need to replace the price reduction requirement? Doing so allows them to reevaluate the value of the products you provide to them.
If your client becomes silent and doesn't respond to your phone call, it seems to ignore your existence. Remember, you are their preferred supplier, and if they change other suppliers, they will pay a big price. Their silence is a powerful negotiation strategy; don't let you give in to it and give a discount in order to get the order.