- 檢查客戶名單數據庫是否有重複?
- 名單中的客戶是否符合基本要求?例如:收入水平、商業形態,等。
- 初步接觸(電話聯絡、發郵件、上門訪問,等)
- 完成銷售前的客戶過濾
- 與客戶約好拜訪時間
- 確認客戶有需求,也有能力購買
- 最後的客戶過濾完成,潛在客戶是個銷售機會
- 潛在客戶需要做評估
- 查明了購買決策者
- 查明了採購作業程序與需求內容確認了下一個步驟(安排了下次會議,客戶準備了需求書,等。)
- 確認了客戶的存在顧慮與問題
- 客戶大致選定了所需要的產品款式或服務形態
- 議價完成,客戶簽約
- 請求客戶同意成為可參考客戶(reference)或是提供證言
- 向銷售主管報告
- 完成採購合約作業
- 確認商品交付或服務確實展開執行
- 給客戶發出感謝信函
- 跟蹤客戶滿意度
- 解決任何客訴問題
- 檢查客戶名單數據庫是否有重複?
- 名單中的客戶是否符合基本要求?例如:收入水平、商業形態,等。
- 初步接觸(電話聯絡、發郵件、上門訪問,等)
- 完成銷售前的客戶過濾
- 與客戶約好拜訪時間
- 確認客戶有需求,也有能力購買
- 最後的客戶過濾完成,潛在客戶是個銷售機會
- 潛在客戶需要做評估
- 查明了購買決策者
- 查明了採購作業程序與需求內容
- 確認了下一個步驟(安排了下次會議,客戶準備了需求書,等。)
- 查明了客戶需求優先次序,存在問題;作成客戶需求文件,並經過確認
- 清楚了解了競爭者的強弱點
- 取得了客戶內部對我方的支持者
- 查明了客戶內部對我方的反對者
- 採購程序文件化并獲得核准
- 向銷售部門主管與其他協作部門做過簡報
- 申請了項目所需資金並取得核准
- 安排了客戶看過展示或拜訪其他用戶做深入了解
- 提出最後建議方案并針對疑慮意見做了修訂
- 交易合約遞交給了客戶法務部門,等待審批
- 確認了議價簽約日期
- 解決了客戶最後疑慮與問題
- 客戶大致選定了所需要的產品款式或服務形態
- 議價完成,客戶簽約
- 請求客戶同意成為可參考客戶(reference)或是提供證言
- 請求客戶提供其他潛在客戶名單
- 向銷售主管報告
- 完成採購合約作業
- 確認商品交付或服務確實展開執行
- 給客戶發出感謝信函
- 跟蹤客戶滿意度
- 解決任何客訴問題
Examples of sales step checklists
No matter how senior a pilot is, he will finish a pre-departure checklist before taking off. No matter how busy the driver is, this pre-departure checklist ensures that no omissions or key steps are missed. Similarly, a sales step checklist can help you track the work of each sales step and be the first step in establishing a sales plan.
Specific sales step checklists will be based on the nature of your actual goods and potential customers. A checklist that sells manufacturing equipment to a large company is much more complicated than a checklist that sells second-hand books to consumers. No matter what kind of goods or services a salesman sells, he can benefit from having a checklist.
Following are examples of basic and complex sales step checklists:
Basic sales steps
Develop a list of potential customers
- Check if the customer list database is duplicated?
- Do the customers on the list meet the basic requirements? For example: income level, business form, etc.
Appointment visit
- Initial contact (telephone contact, e-mail, door-to-door visit, etc.)
- Customer filtering before completion of sales
- Make an appointment with clients
- Confirm that customers have needs and the ability to buy
Make suggestions, give briefings
- The final customer filter is completed, and the potential customer is a sales opportunity.
- Potential customers need to be assessed
- Identify the purchasing decision maker
- Identification of procurement procedures and requirements
- Confirmed the next step (arranged the next meeting, customer prepared the requirement book, etc.).
Closing a deal
- Confirmation of customer concerns and problems
- Customers have roughly chosen the product style or service form they need.
- The negotiation is completed and the client signs the contract.
- Request customer's consent to be a reference or testimony
- Request customers to provide lists of other potential customers
After sale action
- Report to Sales Supervisor
- Completion of Purchasing Contract Operation
- Confirmation that delivery of goods or services is actually carried out
- Send thank-you letters to customers
- Tracking customer satisfaction
- Resolve any customer complaints
Here's another set of sales step checklists, which can be used in dealing with a longer sales process or in the face of more complex sales situations, such as multiple decision makers.
Complex sales steps
Develop a list of potential customers
- Check if the customer list database is duplicated?
- Do the customers on the list meet the basic requirements? For example: income level, business form, etc.
Appointment visit
- Initial contact (telephone contact, e-mail, door-to-door visit, etc.)
- Customer filtering before completion of sales
- Make an appointment with clients
- Confirm that customers have needs and the ability to buy
Make suggestions, give briefings
- The final customer filter is completed, and the potential customer is a sales opportunity.
- Potential customers need to be assessed
- Identify the purchasing decision making
- Identification of procurement procedures and requirements
- Confirmed the next step (arranged the next meeting, customer prepared the requirement book, etc.).
Data collection
- Identify customer needs priorities and problems; document customer needs and validate them
- A clear understanding of competitors 'strengths and weaknesses
- We have gained internal support from our customers.
- Identify the internal opponents of our customers
- Documentation and approval of procurement procedures
- Briefing to Sales Department Supervisors and other collaborative departments
- Application for and approval of funds required for the project
Project promotion
- Customers are scheduled to see the exhibition or visit other users for in-depth understanding.
- Propose a final proposal and revise it in response to doubts.
- The transaction contract is submitted to the client's legal department for approval.
- Confirmation of the date of negotiation
Contract signing
- Solve customer's final doubts and problems
- Customers have roughly chosen the product style or service form they need.
- The negotiation is completed and the client signs the contract.
- Request customer's consent to be a reference or testimony
- Request customers to provide lists of other potential customers
After sale action
- Report to Sales Supervisor
- Completion of Purchasing Contract Operation
- Confirmation that delivery of goods or services is actually carried out
- Send thank-you letters to customers
- Tracking customer satisfaction
- Resolve any customer complaints