2018年3月25日 星期日


  1. 事先做好資料收集。對你將要撥電話的對象,事先有愈多關於他的資訊,你愈有機會和他約會成功。有的時候,你手上僅有的知識他的名字和電話號碼,這個時候,Google會是你很好的朋友,社交媒體如Facebook也是很好的資源你也可以上你社交媒體查問是否有人可能認識這位潛在客戶
  2. 擬好開場白說辭一旦你的潛在客戶接了電話,你有10  20秒來引起他的興趣多數人會在發覺你要推銷東西給他時就直接回絕。如果你的開場白能夠讓他訝異或是施詭計引他產生興趣,而同意你的拜訪,或是至少聽你說下去。
  3. 說出他的利益。這就是你事先收集資料能夠發揮的功效了你能夠收集到關於這名潛在客戶愈多的資訊你愈有機會滿足他的需要找出一兩個你認為他會最有興趣的利益并簡略說明
  4. 提出約會拜訪請求這是你結束電話會談前必要的動作你可以說:“您是否方便在週二上午10點或週三下午2點見面?”或是:“我可以在週一11:30去拜訪您,您是否方便?”試試看哪一種方式對你更合適如果你的潛在客戶拒絕,你可以說其他可以去拜訪的時間,而不是認為他完全不接受你的拜訪。
  5. 不要輕易放棄。許多潛在客戶會拒絕見你。不要因此感覺挫折,這可能完全與你無關。他可能剛好正在不好的情緒中,或是正要趕著去參加一場重要的會議。將這位潛在客戶的名字挪到另一份清單,幾天或幾周后,用不同的方式再去接洽。你可以如此繼續嘗試,直到他拒絕了3次。
Best way to meet a client on a date
The most common mistake novice salesmen make is to try to start selling products when developing customers by telephone. When you call a customer, or knock on the door door door to visit a customer, your goal should be to establish convenient appointment time with the purchasing decision maker. Once you make a formal visit, you can start introducing your product. But the only thing you should do when you first meet a customer is to establish a convenient time to visit him.
If you happen to meet a customer who is willing to buy when you first come into contact, then congratulations! For anyone else, try the following:
  1. Do a good job of data collection beforehand. The more information you have about the person you are going to call in advance, the more chance you will have to date him successfully. Sometimes, the only knowledge you have is his name and phone number. At this time, Google will be a good friend and social media such as Facebook will be a good resource. You can also go to your social media and ask if anyone knows this potential customer?
  2. Draw up the opening remarks. Once your potential customer answers the phone, you have 10 - 20 seconds to interest him. Most people will refuse when they find out you want to sell something to them. If your opening remarks can surprise or trick him into being interested, agree to your visit, or at least listen to you.
  3. Speak out his interests. That's what you can do by collecting data in advance. The more information you can gather about this potential customer, the more opportunities you have to meet his needs. Find out one or two interests that you think he'll be most interested in and outline them.
  4. Make a request for an appointment. This is the necessary action before you end the telephone conversation. You can say, "Would it be convenient for you to meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday or 2 p.m. on Wednesday?" Or: "I can visit you at 11:30 on Monday. Is it convenient for you?" Try which way is better for you. If your prospective client refuses, you can say other times you can visit, rather than assuming that he will not accept your visit at all.
  5. Don't give up easily. Many potential customers will refuse to meet you. Don't feel frustrated because of this. It may have nothing to do with you. He may be in a bad mood or in a hurry to attend an important meeting. Move the name of the potential customer to another list and contact in a different way in a few days or weeks. You can keep trying until he refuses three times.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...