2018年3月17日 星期六


  1. 一再地與客戶建立長期關係的能力。優秀的銷售人員會把握住每一次和客戶見面的機會來建立和客戶的長期關係,以便帶來更多銷售的機會。他們也會通過客戶的轉介發展更多的其他客戶的銷售機會。
  2. 傾聽和保持與客戶需求一致的能力。太多的銷售人員花所有的時間試圖說服潛在客戶購買銷售或服務,而不知道顧客真正想要的是什麼。顧客可能對你所銷售的產品不感興趣,但他/她可能需要另一種產品或服務,你可以現在或將來滿足他/她的需求。學習如何成為一個積極的傾聽者。
  3. 不承諾自己做不到的沒有什麼比打破銷售承諾更讓客戶失望的了。
  4. 韌性一個好的銷售人員知道,可能需要幾次嘗試來銷售,而不會放棄一個潜在的客戶。但是一個好的銷售人員也知道要追求一個潜在的銷售和胡纏蠻攪顧客之間的界線。
  5. 自我激勵和積極的態度。成功的銷售人員有一個高水准的主動性,他們不斷尋找新機會,視挫折為學習經驗。他們對自己的表現負責,不因為沒有成功而責怪別人或當前的經濟狀況。
  6. 不斷推廣自己和文宣資料來推銷產品和服務的方法。這包括使用電子郵件,網站的更新,和社交媒體網站,客戶可以保持最新的最新的產品或提供的服務,通過臉書、微信來介紹自己。他/她積極建立和維護網絡社團
How to be a successful salesman?
  1. Ability to establish long-term relationships with customers over and over again. Excellent salespeople will seize every opportunity to meet with customers to establish long-term relationships with customers, in order to bring more sales opportunities. They will also develop more sales opportunities for other customers through customer referrals.
  2. Ability to listen and maintain consistency with customer needs. Too many salespeople spend all their time trying to convince potential customers to buy sales or services without knowing what they really want. A customer may not be interested in the product you sell, but he or she may need another product or service, and you can meet his or her needs now or in the future. Learn how to be an active listener.
  3. Don't promise what you can't do. Nothing disappoints customers more than breaking sales promises.
  4. Toughness. A good salesperson knows that it may take several attempts to sell without giving up a potential customer. However, a good salesperson also knows to pursue a line between potential sales and pestering customers.
  5. Self-motivation and positive attitude. Successful salespeople have a high level of initiative. They constantly look for new opportunities and regard frustration as learning experience. They are responsible for their own performance and will not blame others or the current economic situation for not succeeding.
  6. Keeping promote themself and promote products and services with other publicity materials. This includes using e-mail, website updates, and social media sites, where customers can keep up-to-date products or services and introduce themselves through Facebook and Wechat. He/she actively builds and maintains online communities.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...